Sunday, October 26, 2008

Rush to Judgment

With the election still a week and a half away, Rush Limbaugh is not wasting any time telling the Republicans what they did wrong in 2008 and who is to blame.
Now, I wish to ask all of you influential pseudointellectual conservative media types who have also abandoned McCain and want to go vote for Obama (and you know who you are without my having to mention your name) what happened to your precious theory? What the hell happened to your theory that only John McCain could enlarge this party, that we had to get moderates and independents? How the hell is it that moderate Republicans are fleeing their own party and we are not attracting other moderates and independents? How in the hell did you people figure this to happen? So the Republican Party's own strategy here not only has it backfired, it's embarrassing.

In Rushland, the only palpable reason for the defections of William Weld, Scott McLellan, Chris Buckley, Colin Powell and Chuck Hagel (and all of the other unnamed Republican turncoats) is that they are convinced that Obama is going to win and they do not want to be Washington outsiders.
By the way, we know what this is about. This is about being invited to state dinners in a Barack Obama administration. This is about the social structure of Washington. This is about style. It has nothing to do with the fact that these people love Obama's policies. They couldn't if they're paying attention. Not if they say they're Republicans. They couldn't possibly.

In a week that has seen a six-figure shopping spree, a hoax by a McCain campaign worker that had incendiary potential, revelations of dissension in the McCain-Palin camp, a neo-con call to fire the campaign and the discovery of a diva, it is reassuring to have Rush Limbaugh to put everything in perspective.

Thanks Rush.

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